Blogs & Articles

What's trending at Maguire right now...
Blog... How to Plan your Business in 6 Simple Steps
Blog... How to Maintain Sales when Customer Cash is Tight
Blog... How to Handle Common Sales Objections Effectively
Blog... How to handle bullying in the work place
Blog... 6 Dos and Don'ts to Ensure Your Customers Remain Loyal
If your business occupies a competitive marketplace and you've worked hard to build up a good customer base, the last thing you want to see is your customers drifting away to spend their money elsewhere. The key to achieving long-term customer loyalty is to build and maintain solid business relationships and have the flexibility to continue providing exactly what they want as times and circumstances change.
Blog... How to conquer workplace conflict
Blog... How to Beat Self-Doubt and Become More Resilient at Work
Working life is full of little setbacks that can bruise our confidence: the lost sale, the fluffed presentation, the inadvertent mishandling of a difficult situation and so on. Unless personal resilience is developed to provide a coping and recovery strategy, self-doubt can creep in and, left unchecked, can affect well-being and personal performance in the workplace.
Blog... How to be an effective mentor - 8 do's and don'ts
Blog... How to Approach Workplace Risk Assessments
Blog... How Improving your Questioning Technique can Boost your Business
The ability to ask powerful, relevant and incisive questions is one of the most beneficial tools of the trade for any leader, sales or business manager or salesperson. In conjunction with effective listening, using the correct questioning techniques can grab attention and engage the respondent, tease out vital information and even subtly persuade them to agree with your point of view.
Blog... How Assertiveness Can Be Used to Defuse a Difficult Situation
Assertiveness is a useful trait in many areas of life, but for managers, leaders and salespeople, it is a vital skill. Many people confuse assertiveness, which is a strong and positive communication technique, with aggressiveness which is negative and undesirable.
Blog... Four Strategies For Successfully Leading Your Business Through Change
Change is an inevitability of modern business; in order to remain competitive, companies must adapt to accommodate evolving customer requirements, market conditions, technological advances, new legislation and many other aspects which may have a bearing on long-term survival and profitability.
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