
Are you selling effectively?

Haven't we all been in that position where you’ve walked out of a shop, after going in to buy something specific, a suit for example, only to find yourself leaving with three bags containing a shirt, tie, belt and shoes and not knowing how you ended up with all that stuff? This is upselling at its finest!


As a salesperson, the opportunities to upsell are numerous but it’s amazing how many go unnoticed. If you want to improve your sales skills, then apply some of these simple rules to upselling, leading to an increase in sales and personal development.


Top Tips:

  • Don't be too pushy. No one likes hard sales tactics, being approached 20 times after being in a shop for 5 minutes, no thank you. This can put some clients off, they prefer to make an informed decision in their own time. Ensure that you time it right to contact your client by adding value to your reason for the connection, for example adding something to help them along with the completion of the sale, like a small discount.
  • Asking the right questions to find clients' needs. For example open-ended questions such as "What do you need?" allow the client to think about why they have come to your business. 
  • Remember, people wouldn't come to you if they didn't want help in your services, don't be scared to sell. 9 times out of 10, customers will know that you are going to be selling a product or service if they come to you, think of it as them wanting to be convinced to buy your services.
  • Suggest a follow-up product they might not know they need. For example, if you have sold a client a suit, you should suggest a tie that would compliment the colours perfectly. 

How can we help?

At Maguire Training, not only do we offer classroom-based courses and programmes, but we are also proud to offer a versatile and intuitive suite of over 190 eLearning modules on our website, which covers a range of sales and customer service topics. Including our Professional Sales Skills Course, where delegates experienced and new will learn the professionalism of sales. 


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Phone:  0333 5777 144


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