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Course Category: Healthcare

Influencing & Assertiveness Healthcare Training Course

Who Would Benefit

Anyone in a job role that would benefit from others 'wanting' to help and cooperate rather than 'having' to. 

Course Description

Delegates will learn how and when to influence others and the difference between assertive and aggressive behaviour. This content will focus on those interpersonal skills that are an integral part of daily life. The ability to influence other people is an essential tool if people are to gain agreement and co-operation from others in order to achieve tasks and get things done. This course provides the necessary influencing and assertiveness skills and formulas to help managers to create a powerful influencing style with colleagues and clients alike helping to improve working relationships.


  • CPD Points: 12
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 2
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client


Learning Outcomes

At the end of this programme the delegate can:

• Define influencing & persuasion techniques
• Demonstrate an understanding of different behaviours
• Show improved questioning and listening skills
• Explain how to develop strong personal confidence
• Recognise and utilise powerful body language

The Programme Includes:
  • Understanding different personality types
  • Different personalities / Building rapport
  • Giving & receiving criticism ~ 10 rules for giving feedback
  • Dealing with conflict & difficult situations
  • Difficult people scenarios
  • Comparing influence & assertiveness
  • Comparing influence and power
  • Understanding who you want to influence
  • Influencing skills and body language
  • Dealing with manipulation
  • Hints and tips on the art of persuasion
  • Personal power and energy
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