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Course Category: Healthcare

Managing Trainees in Difficulty Skills

Who Would Benefit

This course will benefit all Clinical and Educational Supervisors with a mandate to work with and support trainees.


Specifically to help them understand their responsibilities whilst developing their skills and experience.

Course Description

Within this programme, doctors will explore how to develop their skills and confidence to take a proactive approach in determining when their trainee is in difficulty.


They will discover the value of how to take remedial action to ensure they get back on track.


  • CPD Points: 6
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days:1
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client


Learning Outcomes
  • State 5 roles and responsibilities a supervisor has
  • Understand the skills development model and explain how each of the 8 elements works in practice
  • Outline 10 causes for poor performance
  • Name the curriculums and frameworks which trainees are expected to achieve
  • Explain and use 2 analytical tools which highlight performance
  • State the 3 elements of the KIM model and understand the 2 advantages to the supervisor
  • Understand the key roles of assessment and feedback to their professional, supervisory role
  • Build a live-action plan to remedy trainees poor performance
The Programme Includes:
  • The supervisors' roles and responsibilities towards their trainee
  • What might cause a person to perform poorly, the broad range of potential issues and how to grade them? Identification and early intervention
  • Discussions around the implications for the trainee and supervisor of not attaining standards against curriculums and frameworks
  • What help and support is there for the trainee and doctor?
  • Process of escalation-where do I go?
  • Analytical tools and competencies for a fair assessment
  • Using KIM as an effective measurement tool
  • Feedback as a professional competency
  • Regular evaluations and meetings and using the GMC reflection template
  • Record of Learning & Action Plans for Results
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