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Course Category: Healthcare

Senior Leadership for Doctors Healthcare Training Course

Who Would Benefit

All healthcare professionals wishing to enhance their leadership skills.

Course Description

The NHS is encouraging clinicians to develop their leadership skills with ever-increasing determination.


This programme is designed to help and support doctors to achieve the organisational needs and develop skills and techniques which they can take back into the workplace and use in a practical fashion.


Based on the Healthcare Leadership Model, the programme gives plenty of opportunities for delegates to understand and then develop their skills through effective learning, open discussions, case studies and practical, hands-on awareness.


This programme relates directly to core competencies within the Healthcare Leadership Model and the GMC Good Medical Practice Framework.


All exercises are designed to enable reflection and development of an action plan to assist PDP enhancement and help towards appraisal and subsequently revalidation.


The mid-term project will be based on actual delegate projects.


  • CPD Points: 12
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 2
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client


Learning Outcomes

By the end of the programme, the delegate can:

  • Develop their own individual style through awareness of the 4 different styles
  • Design and organise a performance management system
  • Understand Management by Objectives ( MBO )
  • Understand the stages a team passes through to achieve its’ potential
  • Highlight their own team role
  • Develop motivation in the team
  • Take a project and convert it into a workable and practical plan
The Programme Includes:

Day 1:

  • Module 1: Leadership Competencies:
    • Differentiating management from leadership
    • Understanding great leadership qualities
    • Level 5 leadership
    • Leadership styles
    • Developing your own leadership style
    • Using flexible leadership (directing, coaching, supporting and delegating).
    • Leading change
  • Module 2: Key Leadership Skills
    • Understanding your strategic responsibilities
    • Creating vision
    • Building cultures, values and beliefs
    • Creating, designing and delivering your business plan
    • The key elements of your plan and using the NHS template to initialise your project
    • Elements of managing a project

Project: Between days one and two, delegates will work on a real-life, real-time project with specific aims and objectives. This will be discussed at the beginning of the day2.

Day 2:

  • Review projects in open discussion (30 minutes)
  • Module 3: Performance, leading your team
    • Performance management systems: managing the team and myself
    • Management by Objectives (MBO)
    • Case study
  • Module 4: Leading a high performing team:
    • Understanding how a team performs
    • The stages of team development and the leaders’ role at each stage
    • Knowing your own team role
    • Working in multi-disciplinary teams
    • Leading team meetings/briefings
    • The communication plan
    • Motivation exploration
    • Team building exercises
  • Review personal objectives, summary & close


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