
Use your intuition it will serve you well …


Recent insights and discoveries in neuroscience have shared the importance and given credibility to the role of intuition in leadership, especially when it comes to decision making.

What is intuition?  It's what results when we piece things together, information, experience etc., to come up with something different or new that a single observation or thought may not have identified. 

Businesses who don’t use it and rely purely on logic lose a huge amount of power. Intuition is a normal sense and using it humanises interactions.  It also makes the world much richer and more interesting!
Try to train your intuition – Here are a few tips on where to start…


  1. Firstly, you have to have a decent relationship with yourself.  What does that mean? You have to talk to yourself (not like you are mad – but quietly, silently) you need to converse with you, have inner conversations.  If your mind and inner world is either empty - you are purely focusing on what is outside of you - or your thoughts and inner world are negative, then you have no chance.  Cultivating a contemplative, positive relationship with yourself opens yourself to the power of your intuition.
  2. You have to learn to not purely think!  Oh, you mean I have to feel?  Yes, but not just emotion, sense is vital too.  Emotion and sense are heard in your gut and your heart.  How conscious of these areas are you?  Do you listen to them? 
  3. Be open minded and curious, broaden your information inputs.  What are the patterns?  What connects?  What doesn’t fit?  How does this situation make you feel?  What are you sensing about this person?  What are you not hearing?  Bring it all together BEFORE you reach any conclusions – there may be many.


Trust – how much do you trust your ability to conjugate and be right?  If you don’t trust in your intuitive abilities you could simply discount them.  The more you practice, share and explore, the greater your trust in yourself will grow. 


Start with listening to your inner voice and then harness your emotional intelligence.



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