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Course Category: Healthcare

Mastering Stress and Anxiety Healthcare Training Course

Who Would Benefit

Anyone working in a pressured environment and who is required to maintain a cool head at all times.

Course Description

All of us have or will experience anxiety or stress at some point in our lives. Research tells us that some degree of anxiety and stress is really helpful, motivating us to achieve and move forward in our personal and professional lives; but it’s when our worries or stress increases too much that we can run into problems.


There are many things you can do to overcome stress and start to feel a sense of mastery, it’s with this course you’ll get to discover how.  Using a Cognitive Behavioural approach you will learn ways to change the way that you feel through changing how you think and changing the things that you do or don’t do.


With around 10.4 million working days lost each year through stress and anxiety-related problems*, it’s important that we look after ourselves and have the knowledge to also support others, whether these people are patients, colleagues or family members. This course has been designed to enhance your awareness of stress and anxiety so you are better placed to enhance the well-being of your patients or colleagues.


*Mental Health Foundation: How to manage and reduce stress January 2013 


  • CPD Points: 12
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days: 2
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this programme delegates will:

  • Leave with a deeper understanding of anxiety and the physical and psychological impact of stress.
  • List what causes anxiety and what strengthens and keeps it going.
  • Understand the relationship between thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and behaviour within a cognitive behavioural framework.
  • Identify their personal thinking styles and discover ways to develop more helpful thoughts to combat stress.
  • Describe where to make personal life style changes and learn stress management strategies for healthier living, for work and home.
  • Practice relaxation and mindfulness techniques
  • Describe how to use these skills to support the recovery of others
The Programme Includes:

Day 1: Understanding and Discovering

  • Welcome, Introduction and Personal Objectives
  • What are Anxiety and Stress? When does it become a problem?
  • The evolution of stress – Getting to grips with the human physiological response, anxiety as a natural survival instinct
  • How thoughts affect the way that we feel, taking a closer look at the relationship between our thinking, feelings and behaviour
  • We will discover how these elements fit together and can keep our anxiety going
  • So why me? What keeps my worry and stress going?
  • Exploring the different reasons behind what makes us feel this way, from learning theory, personality to life events
  • Understanding our own personal triggers and the kinds of situations that make us feel vulnerable to stress
  • Thoughts are not facts! Exploring thinking styles and identifying our own negative or worrying thoughts
  • Relaxation Exercise

Day 2: Overcoming & Mastering

  • Challenging our thinking and coming up with an alternative, more balanced thoughts
  • How do you live your life – how much is nourishing or depleting?
  • How have you been coping with stress so far?
  • Making a change today and overcoming your obstacles
  • Looking after yourself and building your buffer for stress!
  • Exploring ways to demolish worry and procrastination
  • Practice, coping with setbacks & keeping going
  • Review our personal objectives
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