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Course Category: Healthcare

Interpersonal Skills Healthcare Training Course

Who Would Benefit

For leaders who are required to build interpersonal skills , empathy, verbal and non-verbal communication and want to be engaging and in a clear understandable manner based on core ethics and values.  

Course Description

This workshop reviews current thinking on empathy looking at practical ways to enhance understanding of others’ feelings and perspectives.  Non-verbal signals will be explored to gain information about other people’s emotions, feelings and behaviour.  


Active listening is an important component and the workshop will look at a number of techniques to improve listening to communicate at deep levels to win hearts and minds.


  • CPD Points:6
  • Training Course Category: Healthcare
  • Recommended No. of Days:1
  • Training Course Location: To be determined by Client


Learning Outcomes
  • Understand empathy and ways to build rapport quickly
  • Employ advanced communication skills techniques
  • Use skills to build relationships on a one to one basis, in small groups and in large teams
  • Determine how values and ethics drive social and corporate responsibility
  • Develop personal presence and impact
The Programme Includes:
  • Welcome & Course Introduction
  • Review personal objectives
  • Awareness of others
  • Observed behaviour/reading body language
  • Empathy - supporting others
  • Levels of communication
  • Active listening
  • Mapping minds
  • Mapping hearts
  • Ethics and Social Corporate Responsibility
  • Personal Action Plan
  • Review Personal Objectives
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  • 0333 5777 144