
How to Approach Workplace Risk Assessments

Let's be clear about this: workplace risk assessment is not a 'nice to have'. It's not a 'we'll get around to it sooner or later' task. Businesses have a legal duty to protect the health and safety of their employees, and periodic workplace risk assessments are a necessity if the likelihood of accidents is to be minimised. It's an irresponsible and potentially doomed -business that regrets not having carried out a risk assessment after the accident has happened.


To ensure compliance with workplace health and safety legislation, risk assessments must be thorough and properly conducted. For new business owners or managers who have no prior experience of workplace risk assessment, formal training is essential.


Business skills training experts Maguire Training provide a comprehensive and practical Introduction to Risk Assessments in which delegates will learn the legal requirements for risk assessment, the step-by-step process recommended by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and suitable strategies for minimising or controlling workplace risk.


Whilst attending workplace risk assessment training is the most sensible and practical course of action for business owners, leaders and managers, here Maguire Training provides five tips to help you get to grips with workplace risk assessment.


    • Be realistic in your expectations

      It is impossible to eliminate every single risk that might be found in the average workplace. The key to successful risk assessment is to clearly identify every potential hazard and to take the necessary actions to control and minimize each of them. This might mean installing warning signs or additional lighting or issuing protective clothing or equipment, for example.


    • Choose a suitable business period to conduct your risk assessment

      Whilst a risk assessment is not something that can be deferred indefinitely it should be carried out when it can be given due attention, e.g. not during periods when your organisation may be frantically busy with other priorities such as at the end of the financial year.


    • Categorise risks and control them in order of priority

      As each hazard in the workplace is identified it should be ranked in accordance with the potential harm or impact it might have on employees. High risk hazards should be addressed first, followed by medium and then low risk hazards.


    • Involve everyone in identifying workplace risks and hazards

      Particularly in larger or multi-disciplinary work environments, it may be too much to expect a single assessor to spot every potential hazard. Employees should be invited to flag any workplace trouble spots or problems they find with management to help ensure the most comprehensive risk assessment.

    • Revisit workplace risk assessment regularly

      Just as business environments are ever-changing so risk is ever-present and the measures that you have taken to mitigate risk and minimise hazards one month may be ineffective the next. Risk assessment is an ongoing process and any minor inconvenience that the conduct of regular risk assessment may pose is insignificant when compared to the potential damage to a business that a preventable accident might cause.


Don't put off your workplace risk assessment until it's too late; get the practical training you need to carry out this vital business task from Maguire Training. Thanks to their excellent E-learning platform you don't even have to leave your work premises; the Introduction to Risk Assessments course is available as online training which can be accessed via the internet whenever and wherever delegates choose.

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