
Embedding new behaviours into your business isn’t rocket science.


However, it’s surprising how many businesses still aren’t even getting the basics right. There are numerous methods, models and metrics for evaluating the transfer of knowledge and skills back in to the workplace. But, why can’t we just keep it simple?


The monitoring and evaluation resources that are applied by many businesses are time consuming, costly and are not always aligned to the needs of the individual. At Maguire we believe that any learning intervention has to be linked to the principle that ‘what gets measured, gets done’.


To be effective, this approach is heavily reliant on managers / leaders taking a proactive and individual approach to developing their people. Being able to spot when an employee requires support, identifying behaviours and attitudes that are not aligned to the business culture and managing these situations in a timely and constructive manner is crucial to embedding new behaviours.


It is all too easy for a manager to let certain situations pass by with no action or wait, hoping that an employee will come to work the following day, week, month with a different attitude. Unfortunately, an employee modifying their daily approach or mind-set is very rare or difficult to do without a positive influence to help them on their way.


Improving skills and knowledge via a formal training workshop is an effective way of developing people however, how much more effective would it be if your manager provided you with the following support:


  • Offered constructive and objective feedback on how you are performing
  • Identified clear & measurable development objectives
  • Worked with you to identify the most appropriate support available
  • Took a ‘real’ interest in the training you received and discussed ways in which these new skills could be incorporated in the workplace
  • Gave you time to reflect and implement new skills / approaches
  • Offered ongoing support to review and monitor progress

 All very simple things, but managers do need the confidence and skills themselves in order to get the best out of performance / development conversations. Maguire have a wealth of experience supporting managers take a positive and proactive approach to engaging and developing other, including:

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