
Business Schools - are they really worth It?


Absolutely. Business schools have never been so well subscribed and the UK has some of the best in the world to choose from…London Business School, the London School of Economics and Warwick Business School are rated as our top three by the Palmes league. They offer world class post-graduate education for those seeking an MBA or an MSc to help them build their knowledge, skills and (of course) their network. In fact, take a quick look at the CV’s of the top managers in the largest organisations you know of and you’ll find that many of them have been students at business schools.

Are you a business school graduate? Tweet @maguiretraining and tell us all about your experience.

Business schools are great – which is great if you have the time, funds and motivation to consider applying to such an institution…and don’t forget there is no guarantee of entry either in the case of the top schools. What if you have a lack of time? These are generally three year programmes with a heavy commitment either as a residential student or a distance learner. What if your business cannot afford to fund your education and neither can you? Fees and expenses can easily top £50,000 over the course of a post-graduate Masters programme. Well, look around as there are many options for you to develop yourself and build more credibility into your CV.

In fact many of the business schools offer ‘mini’ programmes that may last 4-6 weeks and focus intensively in an area such as strategic leadership or international management. These programmes can offer an excellent standard of tuition and can suit those with a lower time and financial budget available.

For those managers and leaders who are looking for programmes that are less academic and more grounded in their own business operations the Management and Leadership Academy offered by Maguire Training offers a three-tier approach with the top two development tiers focussed on the development of middle and senior managers.

The Higher Leadership Award is a week-long programme for experienced middle and senior managers who are familiar with the mechanics of good management and who understands the need for developing their expertise to become outstanding and genuine leaders within their organisation. This is a nationally accredited programme offering 24 CPD points.

The Strategic Leadership Award is an intensely challenging and highly rewarding programme designed for experienced senior managers who are looking to hone their skills as an invaluable strategic leader and thinker by mastering themselves, their leadership style and their business skills. This is a nationally accredited programme offering 54 CPD points.

If you or one of your team has expressed interest in a business school style education programme and you’ve concluded that you cannot afford it then perhaps you need to re-frame the question: instead of asking can we afford the investment? ask can we afford not to make the investment? Your competitors are training their people to be the best they can be and people want to join companies that will help them to become high achievers.

Speak to Maguire Training about their Management and Leadership Academy.

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